5 Dimensions of interaction design

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What is Interaction Design?

Design that enables ways to interact with digital products, environments, systems, and services is interaction design. It focuses on creating meaningful and relevant connections between people and technology. Interaction design is essential to the user experience design process, focusing on how a user interacts with a product. This involves designing how a person interacts with a digital product, such as a website, mobile application, or other digital product.

Interaction design is a multi-disciplinary field that combines elements of design, engineering, psychology, and anthropology. It is a process that requires designers to analyze the user’s needs, develop user-centered designs, and create an aesthetically pleasing and functional product. In addition, interaction design focuses on creating an engaging and enjoyable user experience.

Interaction design aims to create a product that is intuitive and easy to use for the user. It involves studying the user’s behavior and preferences and considering those when designing the product. Interaction designers strive to create an experience that is both visually appealing and easy to use. They also strive to create a product that encourages user engagement and allows users to quickly and efficiently accomplish their tasks. Designs are made based on two things goal drive and useability. Let’s see how.

Goal-Driven Design

Goal-driven design is a design approach that focuses on the desired outcomes of a product or service. It involves breaking down the project into smaller, more manageable parts and using those parts to create a solid, functional design. Goal-driven design is a process-oriented approach that emphasizes the user experience and usability of the product or service. It is based on the idea that design should be driven by the goals of the product rather than by technology or design trends. Goal-driven design has been used in many industries, from software development to product design. For example, in software development, goal-driven design is often used to create user-friendly and intuitive interfaces. This approach helps ensure users can complete the desired tasks quickly and easily. In product design, we can use goal-driven design to create products that are aesthetically pleasing, functional, and easy to use.


Usability designs are based on “Can someone readily use this?” when using a  product. It is another fundamental approach employed by interface designers. And when they create digitally, they often adhere to 5 usability principles:


How easy is a new user to go around the interface?


the degree to which a user can comprehend what they are viewing.


How much control does a user have over the interface regarding operability?


How pleasant is the interface on the surface?


Does the interface comply with the criteria for usability?

The critical techniques described above can help you stay on track with your design. However, to build the finest interaction experiences, you must consider the five aspects below.

The 5 Dimensions of Interaction Design


Texts and words play a big part in interaction design since they communicate and interact between the product and the users. A well-chosen comment has the same potency as a sword. Thus, the user’s engagement would be more straightforward and seamless if correctly used the appropriate term. When I use the phrase “correct word,” I mean that the end users should be able to recognize and comprehend it. In addition, the term should precisely describe its function or goal. If we include it beneath a symbol, the user will undoubtedly read the text before understanding the action. Nothing is understandable in a few words. Therefore, use words and phrases suitably.

Visual Representation

This dimension describes the parts of a product that are not words, including typography, maps, icons, and other images. Since humans can digest pictures as quickly as words and derive meaning in a single second, these elements are equally potent. The usage of 2D visual representations in user interfaces is already widespread. Since thousands of these components are stored in long-term memory, we can instantly interpret displays to benefit the user experience when the design allows. Icons, foreground/background color differences, borders, and visual hierarchies are four instances where 2D visual representations have been used.

Physical Objects

The medium via which the user interacts with the product is included in the third dimension. The screen of a smartphone or tablet, a computer’s mouse or keyboard, a joystick, etc. Recognize the limitations of the media and create designs that work well with it. For instance, when a user is using a mouse to complete a job, we may display a hover action to give the task a clickable feel, but on a touch screen, there is no possibility for a hover action. To make it appear clickable, we must find another approach.


The period during which a user interacts with and uses the first three dimensions, such as when they may monitor the status of their interactions. Additionally included in 4D Time are music, video, and animation, each adding a new method of information delivery and improving the user experience.


Behavioral dimensions are essential to interaction design because they help create user experiences that are both intuitive and engaging. For example, if users can quickly and easily understand how to use a product or service, they will be more likely to use it. Similarly, if users are provided with appropriate and informative feedback, they will be more likely to stay engaged with the product or service. 

Creating an intuitive and engaging user experience is key to successful interaction design. This requires designers to consider a range of behavioral dimensions, such as user learning, navigation, feedback, and social interaction. In addition, by understanding the user’s needs and motivations, designers can create an experience tailored to their needs.

Laws of positive interaction

Despite these five dimensions, there are more laws for positive interaction.

Hicks Law

William Edmund Hick, a psychologist, proposed a straightforward yet ground-breaking idea.

“the more options someone has, the longer it takes them to decide.”

  • William Edmund Hick

This is because there are more alternatives to consider, which need to be clarified for the consumer. In other words, while having a wide range of options may be advantageous in some industries, doing so while engaging with digital items is not a smart idea. Viewers may choose easily with the help of interaction design, one section at a time. Although a consumer may have a lot of alternatives when using a website, most e-commerce businesses employ Hick’s law to segment possibilities and categorize things for more straightforward browsing, clicking, and purchasing.

Fitt’s Law

Fitts’ law, published in 1954, initially covered how healthy workers on an assembly line performed. Although the relationship between an item’s closeness, speed, and distance is complicated, the conclusion is that the greater the object, the quicker a person can point it out. Fitts’ law is used by web designers when creating buttons and menus to make them easy to press and navigate, whether a user is using a finger or a mouse.

Tesler’s Law

According to Larry Tesler, a former vice president of Apple, every program reaches a certain level of complexity before it becomes impossible to reduce. So the designer’s job at that point is to transfer less complexity to the user and transfer them into the background operations. This makes the user interface straightforward and fits in well with Hick’s rule.

What problems does interaction design solve?

Interaction designers use these five elements of interaction design to probe the product they’re working on and offer suggestions for improvement. For example, interaction designers might ponder the following questions about the product they are developing:

  • How can we enhance the user experience? What does the consumer engage with when using the product?
  • How can we make the product or app seem better, more enticing, and more straightforward to use?
  • Do the product’s instructions and error messages aid users in problem-solving and issue-fixing?
  • Do the design’s elements have an acceptable size, and do the product’s and its element’s size make it easier to use?
  • Does the product make use of standard formats to make navigating easier for the majority of users?

Best Practices for interaction design

Usability.gov advises interaction designers to consider the following issues when developing products with interactive features:

  • What about the way the product looks and provides people hints about how it works?
  • How much time passes between an activity and the product’s response?
  • Are you abiding by professional standards?
  • Is the data divided into seven pieces at once?
  • Are users used to the format?
  • What kind of feedback will the user get after acting?
  • Are there restrictions in place to guard against mistakes in the design?

Talking to your consumers is a critical component of interactive design. The decision-making process and other elements of the user experience are shaped by how consumers engage with a digital product. The five dimensions mentioned above are all part of the interface design process. The core responsibility of a designer is minimizing the amount of information necessary for the user’s experience.


To put the best practices into effect, whether you’re just starting or have experience with interaction design, you should consider the methods and the five previously stated aspects. Consider interaction design at first as a dialogue. A product’s success depends on how well the user interacts with it, so bear that in mind. Additionally, never forget that using usability principles will help you design a product effectively and and will help you become aware of the numerous problems you need to resolve before beginning the design process. Last but not least, remember to consider the five dimensions of your goods since they allow you to interact with your customers in the most effective and concise ways.

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